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Message from the Founder, Alexa Benson


Welcome to our third End of the Year Summary! We apologize for the tardiness of this report, but due to several unforeseen circumstances, writing this message took a back seat to life. Know that the work continued despite the lack of communication. 

Our fiscal year (FY) begins on April 1st, and therefore this marks the end of our second full fiscal year. After our financial filing with the IRS, we were able to achieve Gold status with GuideStar (, an organization that measures the leadership and financial transparency of nonprofits in the United States. Starting a nonprofit is hard work, but tremendously rewarding when the vision achieves concrete results.





Imaji’s Voice - is a registered nonprofit organization (NGO) in Calabar, Nigeria, that we first partnered with in 2020. Pauline Ojang (Executive Director) has been attending University to become a Clinical Psychologist, where we fund her tuition. She is in her final year and we expect her to graduate in June of 2025! We funded Pauline’s tuition for her third year ($275) solely from monthly sponsors. We are planning a Facebook fundraiser for her final year. While Nigeria continues to be politically unstable, we believe that continuing to financially support Pauline’s educational objectives today outweighs the risk of losing the money to the state. We believe that her value to the community will only improve with her continued education.


Mobile Manna Foundation - is a registered NGO in Uyo, Nigeria. Their mission is to “offer world-class services to mentally ill and abandoned persons”, “enhancing the humanity of all.” Glory and Eno, 2 women living in rural communities, graduated from their 12 month sewing program in December of 2023. Their trainer felt that they were both talented and dedicated individuals. As a graduation present, they each received a very good, used, foot pedal sewing machine ($73 each), so they could continue their learning and begin making an income. We also tipped the trainer $30 and Pauline $10 for all of their hard work and to help offset travel costs.This project is now closed.


Imaji’s Voice (Akparabong) - Because of the success of the Mobile Manna Foundation collaboration, we again partnered with Imaji’s Voice, and in January 2024 funded 10 women in a rural community to learn to sew. This project cost $850 for 12 months ($85 per participant). We informed the new instructor that the 2 top classmates would receive a sewing machine as a graduation present. We hope to fundraise for this on Facebook, or you may donate one today here.



Binni Bianni is a registered NGO based out of Mexico City, Mexico, which works with women and children to strengthen the social fabric of their community and their economy through models of economic solidarity. Many of the participants lived in a location where the products they were producing were in highly competitive markets. We closed this project due to the lack of motivation of most of the participants to continue, despite offering more free training. 



Education and Life Foundation, a registered NGO in Lahore, Pakistan, had requested help last year with the funding of a rural Nurse Midwifery Program. We were unable to secure the $18,000 cost to fund the 100 women for the 2 year program. In February, we both compromised and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to fund 20 women at $7,200, as a ‘pilot program’. To date, we have sent $3,600 (½ of the total program). Unfortunately, this program costs more than we currently raise in monthly donations and is considered significantly underfunded. We urgently ask that you consider a One Time tuition donation or become a monthly subscriber at $20 or more. We cannot stress enough how important it is that economically impoverished women in this region receive quality maternal health care by well-trained female providers! We are also open to collaborations with educational institutions that are interested in cultural nursing exchanges as a ‘fee-for-service’ project. Kindly contact Alexa at for more information. 



We continue to collect data to meet the Progress and Results metrics required to maintain Gold status on Charity Navigator. Transparency is one of the core tenants of our organization.


Last year, 100% of our donations came from individuals, mostly from monthly donors (93%). One time donations were 4% (up by 25%), while Facebook fundraising dropped to 3% (from 51% last year) due to the platform dropping its ‘fee-free’ services. We currently have 5 monthly subscribers ($100/month) and are aiming for 25 subscribers ($500/month) by the end of FY 2024. Our subscription donors currently give between $10-$30 a month. OUR ONE ASK this year is that you consider becoming a Monthly/One Time donor or consider increasing your monthly donation by $10 or more. Consistent funding helps us better plan future projects with our program partners. 


As stated previously, this year has required flexibility from all of us when it comes to life priorities. Heather Albright, RN continues as our Secretary. Heather is currently attending a California University to receive a Master’s in Nursing as a Women’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner. Larry Benson, our Treasurer, continues to monitor the national and international economic and political changes regularly. Lastly, Alexa Benson, the Executive Director, maintains her position on the City Council of Veneta, Oregon and is currently running in the general election for Mayor of her small town. She spends most of her time taking care of her family and one foreign exchange student from Germany, performing her regular council duties, and mentoring talented locals and as an event organizer, producing local free family fun.



The next 12 months are critical to the viability of Women and Girls First as an organization. We began our early years with very inexpensive, short term training projects. Over time, we have learned that longer training programs that require participants to have greater commitment have been more successful. Therefore, the Board intends to stay focused on fundraising for both the Midwifery program in Pakistan and the sewing training in Nigeria. 


If we survive the next year, we envision adding a cultural exchange component that offers Americans with unique skills and education the opportunity to exchange their knowledge with their international counterparts. The world is becoming increasingly more intertwined (and politically turbulent) and working with the belief that ‘we are only as strong as our weakest link’, Alexa, the Executive Director, is working to move the organization towards what Gandhi would say, ‘being more of the change we want to see in the world’; elevating the overall consciousness of humanity! 



In closing, the Board would like to thank everyone who made our second year a resounding success (listed below)! We understand that there are thousands of organizations that you could have given your money to, and you chose us! We work to earn your trust and to help your hard earned dollars reach a human in need across the globe. Remember, 100% of every dollar you give goes directly to help a girl or woman who lacks the resources to achieve economic independence. 


We believe that by helping a woman learn a trade, she can become self-sufficient financially and this, in turn, empowers her to become the sole decision maker in her life…something many of us Westerners take for granted!


We look forward to keeping you regularly updated on the status of the women you help. Many blessings and have a wonderful upcoming holiday season!


Alexa Benson

Founder and Executive Director   

Women and Girls First is a 501(c)3 non-religious organization based in Veneta, OR


We lost many of our supporters when Alexa’s Facebook account was hacked last year. If you could friend Alexa Benson, NP, you will again receive the opportunities to participate in fundraisers. 


We would sincerely like to thank 

(kindly contact us if you we left you off the list):

Heather Albright

Glenn & Nancy Bazell

Alexa Benson

Larry Benson

Christie Capucci

Patti Heath

Randy Jolls

Barbara Taylor

Shelly Watson

©2025 by Women & Girls First, a 501(c)(3)    Built by Alexa Benson

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